«Ω Ζίτσα, από τον σύδεντρο και φουντωτό σου λόφο,
χαριτωμένο και ιερό προβάλλει μοναστήρι.
Εκείθε όπου κι αν ρίξουμε το βλέμμα, επάνω, κάτου,
τριγύρω μας, τι χρώματα κάθε λογής! Τι τόποι
με θέλγητρα μαγευτικά ξανοίγονται μπροστά μας!
Βράχοι, ποτάμια και βουνά και δάση, απ’ όλα πλήθος,
Κι ένας γαλάζιος ουρανός δίνει αρμονία σ’ όλα…
Του εξοχικού μοναστηριού λάμπουν οι άσπροι τοίχοι
στα δέντρα μέσα, που πυκνά το λόφο στεφανώνουν,
το φουντωμένο και υψηλό, που πλιό γιγαντωμένος
θα φαινόταν, αν γύρω του δεν ήσαν απλωμένα
αμφιθεατρικά βουνά, ψηλότερ’ από κείνον..»
Αυτή η θαυμάσια ποιητική εικόνα του θεώμενου από τη μονή του Προφήτη Ηλία τοπίου, αποτέλεσμα της φιλοξενίας του μεγάλου φιλέλληνα και ποιητή λόρδου Βύρωνα στο μοναστήρι , 13- 14 Οκτωβρίου 1809, συνετέλεσε στη δημιουργία ρεύματος περιηγητών οι οποίοι θέλησαν να γνωρίσουν από κοντά την περιοχή της Ζίτσας, που τόσο συνεπήρε τον εξέχοντα άγγλο επισκέπτη.
Επιπλέον, την εκπληκτική της τοποθεσία είχε εκτιμήσει ο Αλή Πασάς των Ιωαννίνων, ο οποίος αφού δεν κατόρθωσε να την μετατρέψει σε τσιφλίκι του, συμβιβάστηκε με το να χτίσει εκεί, στη θέση Κούλια, μεγάλο ανάκτορο (σεράι) που αφέθηκε να κατερειπωθεί μετά την εξόντωσή του από τα σουλτανικά στρατεύματα.
Πράγματι η Ζίτσα είναι κτισμένη αμφιθεατρικά στη μεσημβρινή πλευρά του λόφου «Αϊλιά» και βρίσκεται βορειοδυτικά των Ιωαννίνων, από τα οποία απέχει 25 χιλιόμετρα. Έχει υψόμετρο 68ο μέτρα, με θαυμάσιο κλίμα και θέα τον απέραντο ορίζοντα, που φθάνει ως τα θεσπρωτικά παράλια. Οι γεωλογικές εξάρσεις του εδάφους της ευρύτερης περιοχής της, την οποία ορίζουν δυτικά ο ποταμός Καλαμάς, ανατολικά η λεκάνη της Λαψίστας, βόρεια εκείνη του Μαζαρακίου- Λιγοψάς, και νότια το ρέμα της Κληματιάς, σχηματίζουν μια χαμηλή ορεινή ζώνη ανάμεσα στα βουνά Μιτσικέλι και Κασιδιάρη, που ακολουθεί τη γενικότερη κατεύθυνση της οροσειράς της Πίνδου. Συνορεύει με τα χωριά Καρίτσα, Κουτρουλάδες (Σακελλαρικό),Μπουρντάρι (Δαφνόφυτο), Πρωτόπαππα, Νεοχώρι, Λιγοψά, Βατάδες, Μαζαράκι και Λίθινο.
Η ίδρυση της κωμόπολης είναι πολύ παλιά και ανάγεται στις αρχές του 15ου αιώνα, χωρίς να υπάρχει τεκμηριωμένη ιστορική μαρτυρία. Είναι πιθανόν να προϋπήρχε εκεί από την εποχή των Σέρβων μικροσυνοικισμός, αμυντικού χαρακτήρα, στον οποίο και έδωσαν το οικείο σ’ αυτούς όνομα Ζίτσα. Μετά την αποχώρησή τους, στην περιοχή ήρθαν μέτοικοι από τα παρακείμενα μικρά χωριά Καμίνια, Πογδορά και Ζαραβέλια, που βρίσκονταν στη δυτική πλευρά του βουνού «Κολοβούτσελο», πολύ κοντά το ένα στο άλλο και ήθελαν ένα πιο απομονωμένο μέρος για ν’ αποφύγουν τις επιδρομές και τις λεηλασίες των αλβανικών ορδών, αυτές κατέβαιναν πλέον ανεμπόδιστα από το κοντινό δρόμο «Δερβένι- Κλεισούρα», μετα τη δολοφονία στα 1384 του σέρβου δεσπότη των Ιωαννίνων Θωμά Πρελιούμποβιτς, του καλούμενου και Αλβανητοκτόνου. Πολύ αργότερα, πιθανώς κατά τα τέλη του ΙΗ΄ αιώνα, οι κάτοικοι ή μέρος των κατοίκων του χωριού Γραμμενιοί , που βρίσκονταν βόρεια του Σακελλαρικού (Κουτρουλάδες) και ανατολικά των Πατέρων Λιθίνου, προσχώρησαν κι αυτοί στον πληθυσμό της Ζίτσας και συνέβαλαν στην αύξησή του, μετά από διάλυση του δικού τους οικισμού. Οι νεοφερμένοι εγκαταστάθηκαν αρχικά στην περιοχή του Μεγάλου Μαχαλά, με τα σημερινά γνωστά όριά του και με κέντρο την εκκλησία του Αγίου Νικολάου, ενώ ο μικρός Μαχαλάς κτίστηκε πολύ αργότερα, λόγω της αύξησης του πληθυσμού. Κατά την περίοδο της τουρκοκρατίας η Ζίτσα ανάμεσα στα 34 χωριά, που ήταν κάτω από την προστασία της Βασιλομήτορος (Βαλιδέ σουλτάνας), ενώ στα 1788 αφιερώθηκε μαζί με τα χωριά της Κάτω και Άνω Λαψίστας, Περάματος και Μπισδουνόπουλου στα ιερά καθιδρύματα της Μέκκας μέχρι την απελευθέρωση, πληρώνοντας το φόρο της δεκάτης κατά την περίοδο της κυριαρχίας του Αλή Πασά αποτελούσε μαζί με το Νησάκι της λίμνης τα μόνα τμήματα της επαρχίας Κουρέντων που δεν είχαν γίνει τσιφλίκια του. Η διοίκησή της ήταν στα χέρια των ντόπιων Μουχταροδημογερόντων (Πρόεδρος και Συμβούλιο) και Τούρκος δεν είχε πατήσει τα χώματά της. Για τα σύνορα της κωμόπολης υπήρχε ανέκαθεν διαμάχη με τους κατοίκους των γειτονικών ωριών, με αποτέλεσμα τη συνεχή αντιπαλότητα και τη δημιουργία θερμών επεισοδίων , μέχρις ότου κατά τη χρονική περίοδο 1933-1940 κατοχυρώθηκαν δικαστικώς.
Οι κάτοικοι της Ζίτσας, που διακρίνονταν για το αναπτυγμένο θρησκευτικό τους συναίσθημα, κόσμησαν τον τόπο τους με πολλές εκκλησίες, καθώς κάθε συνοικία αποτελούσε ξεχωριστή ενορία και είχε τη δική της εκκλησία για να λειτουργείται και το δικό της εφημέριο.
Ενοριακές εκκλησίες στο Μεγάλο Μαχαλά ήταν:
1. Του Αγίου Νικολάου
2. Της Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου, που ήταν το καθολικό της γυναικείας μονής των Καλογραιών με θαυμάσιες τοιχογραφίες του 17ου αιώνα και σπουδαίες εικόνες.
3. Της Αγίας Παρασκευής (κοντά στις κοινοτικές στέρνες) και
4. Του Αγίου Ιωάννου
Και στο Μικρό Μαχαλά :
1. Των Ταξιαρχών
2. Του Αγίου Δημητρίου
3. Της Γεννήσεως της Θεοτόκου
4. Του Αγίου Νικολάου
Από τις εκκλησίες αυτές του μεγάλου Μαχαλά, αυτή του Αγίου Νικολάου, στον τύπο της τρίκλιτης βασιλικής με νάρθηκα, υπερώον και παλαιότερα χαγιάτι, κατεδαφίστηκε για να κτισθεί εκ βάθρων στα 1890 από τον ευεργέτη της κοινότητας Δημ. Λιόντο, διατηρεί μέχρι σήμερα την αυθεντικότερη σε φορητή εικόνα προσωπογραφία του Αγίου Κοσμά του Αιτωλού, καθώς και πολλά άλλα κειμήλια, που έχουν συγκεντρωθεί σήμερα εκεί από ερειπωμένες ή κατεδαφισμένες εκκλησίες και ξωκλήσια της περιοχής. Οι εκκλησίες της Αγίας Παρασκευής και της Παναγίας έχουν συντηρηθεί, χάρις στη συνδρομή των ίδιων των κατοίκων, ενώ η ερειπωμένη του Αγίου Ιωάννη έχει ανακαινισθεί εκ θεμελίων. Την ίδια αγαθή τύχη δεν είχαν και οι εκκλησίες του Μικρού Μαχαλά, από τις οποίες διατηρείται μόνον εκείνη των Ταξιαρχών, που ιστορήθηκε το 1648 με θαυμάσιες τοιχογραφίες, συντηρημένη και αυτή. Οι υπόλοιπες, του Αγίου Δημητρίου, της Παναγίας και του Αγίου Νικολάου κατεδαφίστηκαν, αλλά η τελευταία ξαναχτίστηκε πολύ πρόσφατα.
Παράλληλα με τις εκκλησίες αυτές υπήρχαν και πολλά ξωκλήσια, τα περισσότερα από τα οποία σώζονται μέχρι σήμερα:
1. Της Αγίας Παρασκευής
2. Του Αγίου Γεωργίου
3. Της Αγίας Τριάδος
4. Του Αγίου Αθανασίου στο Μεγάλο Μαχαλά
5. Της Αγίας Τριάδος στο Μικρό Μαχαλά
Δεν σώζονται:
1. Του Αγίου Αθανασίου στην τοποθεσία Κούλια
2. Του Αγίου Αθανασίου στη θέση Μεροτόπι
Τα ξωκλήσια αυτά λειτουργούσαν μόνο την ημέρα της εορτής τους, στη διάρκεια της οποίας γινόταν πανηγύρι και δημόσιος χορός, με λαμπρότερο εκείνο του Αγίου Γεωργίου.
Ονομαστή όμως είναι η Ζίτσα για το μοναστήρι του Προφήτη Ηλία, που τόσο έξοχα ύμνησε ο λόρδος Βύρων. Το πότε ακριβώς χτίστηκε δεν είναι γνωστό. Η παράδοση αναφέρει ότι η μονή ιδρύθηκε κατά τη βυζαντινή εποχή στο λόφο, που βρίσκεται ΒΔ της κωμόπολης και φέρει την ονομασία Αϊλιάς (720 μ) και μεταφέρθηκε, άγνωστο πότε, στη σημερινή του θέση, όπου σώζονται το καθολικό, τμήμα των πετρόκτιστων κελιών και του περιβόλου της με τη μεγάλη, σκεπαστή αυλόπορτα και το καμπαναριό. Το καθολικό έχει σχήμα μονόχωρου ναού μικρών διαστάσεων με πρόσθετο μεταγενέστερο νάρθηκα προς τα δυτικά. Ο κυρίως ναός έχει ανεγερθεί σύμφωνα με δύο εντοιχισμένες επιγραφές στα 1656 και ο νάρθηκας στα 1799, χωρίς να αποκλείεται η περίπτωση να χτίστηκε στη θέση παλιότερου κτίσματος. Οι τοιχογραφίες είναι εντυπωσιακές και εκτείνονται σε επάλληλες οριζόντιες ζώνες, χρονολογείται με την ίδια εσωτερική επιγραφή στα 1657/8 και οφείλεται στους αγιογράφους Ιωάννη, Δημήτριο και Γεώργιο από τη Γράμμοστα.(χωριό της Φλώρινας). Το ίδιο εντυπωσιακό είναι και το επιχρυσωμένο ξυλόγλυπτο τέμπλο, το οποίο φέρει άνθινο διάκοσμο πάνω σε γαλάζιο και βυσσινόχρωμο βάθος. Διασώζει τη σειρά της Μεγάλης Δεήσεως και του Δωδεκαόρτου, τα παλιά βημόθυρα και τις δεσποτικές εικόνες του Αγίου Νικολάου, της Θεοτόκου, του Χριστού- Αρχιερέως και του Προφήτη Ηλία, η τελευταία είναι σπάνιας τέχνης και τη βιβλική μορφή του ολόσωμου αγίου πλαισιώνουν 16 σκηνές από το βίο του πάνω σε χρυσό βάθος. Οι τοιχογραφίες του νάρθηκα χρονολογούνται στα 1800 και είναι έργο των γνωστών ζωγράφων Ιωάννη και Αναγνώστου από το Καπέσοβο Ζαγορίου. Αξιοσημείωτη είναι και η τοιχογραφία με τη μορφή του δωρητή ηγούμενου Γρηγορίου Εξάρχου και οι μοναδικές σκηνές από το συναξάριο του νεομάρτυρα Ιωάννου του εξ Ιωαννίνων (+1526). Το μοναστήρι ήταν ενοριακό με μεγάλη κτηματική περιουσία όχι μόνο στη Ζίτσα και στα Γιάννενα, αλλά και στο εξωτερικό (Ρουμανία, Ρωσία) με τρία αξιόλογα μετόχια, το σημαντικότερο για την τύχη της μονής ήταν εκείνο του Αγίου Ιωάννου στο Βουκουρέστι, που ανήκε στην απόλυτη ιδιοκτησία της και ιδρύθηκε στα 1591 από τον Ανδρέα Λογοθέτη Βεστιάρη και τον αδελφό του Δημήτριο και αφιερώθηκε από τους ίδιους στον Προφήτη Ηλία. Η κακή διαχείριση όμως των οικονομικών της, η απραξία και η αμέλεια των ηγουμένων της, την οδήγησαν σε δεινή οικονομική κατάσταση, την ανάκαμψη της οποίας προσπάθησε να πετύχει ο Μητροπολίτης Ουγγαροβλαχίας Δοσίθεος Φιλίτης. Χάρις στις ενέργειές του το μοναστήρι γίνεται σταυροπηγιακό με σιγίλλιο του πατριάρχη Προκοπίου (1785-89) στα 1787 και παράλληλα συνδέεται με τη Μπαλαναία Σχολή ή σχολή Γκιούμα των Ιωαννίνων. Η μεγάλη όμως προσφορά της έγκειται στον τομέα της παιδείας από τους πρώτους κιόλας αιώνες της οθωμανικής κατάκτησης, καθώς λειτουργούσε και ως σχολή στην οποία μαθήτευσαν κατά την παράδοση αξιόλογοι άνθρωποι του πνεύματος, όπως ο ζιτσαίος πατριάρχης Ιερεμίας ο Α΄ (1522-1546), επίσης ο εκ Ζίτσης επίσκοπος Δελβίνου Μανασσής (1682-1695), ο Παρθένιος Κατζιούλης (1650-1717) ιερομόναχος και δάσκαλος, ο ιερομόναχος Χρύσανθος , διευθυντής του Γυμνασίου της Μοσχόπολης (1700). κ.α Γύρω στα 1750 περίπου η λειτουργία της σχολής διακόπηκε για άγνωστους λόγους. Λίγα χρόνια αργότερα, στα 1778, η παρουσία του Αγίου Κοσμά του Αιτωλού στη Ζίτσα με τα φλογερά του κηρύγματα άλλαξε την κατάσταση και συνέβαλε στη δημιουργία ενός νέου κέντρου μόρφωσης, του «Δασκαλειού», βορειοανατολικά της εκκλησίας του Αγίου Νικολάου στο μεγάλο Μαχαλά. Στα 1813 ο επίσκοπος Μπουζαίου Κωνστάντιος Φιλίτης (1750-1835), θέλοντας να δώσει μεγαλύτερη ώθηση στην εκπαίδευση του τόπου, ίδρυσε εκεί λαμπρό σχολείο , που χτίστηκε κοντά στην εκκλησία των Ταξιαρχών και είχε Δημοτικό με τέσσερις τάξεις και Ελληνικό (Σχολαρχείο) με τρεις και πολύ μεγάλη βιβλιοθήκη. Το σχολείο αυτό, όπου δίδαξε και ο σπουδαίος δάσκαλος της εποχής Γεώργιος Αίσωπος, το συντηρούσε ο Κωνστάντιος με δικά του σχεδόν έξοδα μέχρι το 1825, που πέθανε ο θείος του, ο πρώην Ουγγροβλαχίας Δοσίθεος Φιλίτης, ο οποίος του κληροδότησε το ποσό των 30 φλ. Το χρόνο, που κατά το 1850 αυξήθηκαν σε 120. Στα 1858 επειδή ο αριθμός των μαθητών αυξήθηκε χτίστηκε καινούργιο σχολείο, το Αλληλοδιδακτικό (το παλιό Δημοτικό και νυν Πνευματικό Κέντρο), που λειτούργησε ως μεικτό μέχρι το 1872, οπότε ιδρύθηκε το Παρθεναγωγείο ή Φιλίτιον από τον ευεργέτη Δημήτριο Κ. Φιλίτη στο σπίτι του, όπου τα κορίτσια, εκτός της στοιχειώδους εκπαίδευσης μάθαιναν και υφαντική. Λειτούργησε εκεί ως το 1905, οπότε και το κτίριο ερειπώθηκε , στη συνέχεια σε διάφορα σπίτια μέχρι το 1923, που το Δημοτικό έγινε μεικτό.
Τα σχολεία αυτά διατηρήθηκαν χάρις σε δωρεές, που κληροδότησαν κι άλλοι ευεργέτες της παιδείας, όπως ο Σίλβεστρος Φιλίτης (1752-1834), αδελφός του Κωνσταντίνου, ο ιερέας Χριστόδουλος Μανούσης (1822), ο Μιχαήλ Τυροκόμος (1832), ο Δημήτριος Ζιτσαίος (182301897), που θεωρείται και ο μεγαλύτερος ευεργέτης της κωμόπολης, ο Παναγιώτης Ζέρβας (1861), ο Αναστάσιος Γουδίνος (1868), ο Αναστάσιος Φιλίτης (1884) (θείος του Δημητρίου) κ.α. Από τους πόρους δε των κληροδοτημάτων των Δημητρίου και Αναστασίου Φιλίτη και Αναστασίου Γουδίνου πληρώνονταν οι μισθοί των δασκάλων και μοιράζονταν στους μαθητές δωρεάν βιβλία και γραφική ύλη. Στα 1939 άρχισε να χτίζεται με δαπάνη των κληροδοτημάτων αυτών το νέο κτίριο του Δημοτικού Σχολείου, το οποίο αποπερατώθηκε μετά τον πόλεμο με έξοδα του κράτους. Το αρχικό σχέδιο προέβλεπε και να συστεγαστεί και η Αστική Σχολή (ημιγυμνάσιο), όπως είχε μετονομαστεί το ελληνικό σχολείο, καθώς το κτίριό του είχε ερειπωθεί και είχε στεγασθεί στην οικία «Σακκά» από το 1935 έως το 1940. Τελικά το καινούργιο σχολείο λειτούργησε και λειτουργεί ως Δημοτικό και Νηπιαγωγείο, ενώ το ημιγυμνάσιο άρχισε τελικά να λειτουργεί είκοσι περίπου χρόνια μετά και να στεγάζεται σε διάφορα σπίτια μέχρι την ανέγερση του σημερινού κτιριακού συγκροτήματος, που το στεγάζει μαζί με το Λύκειο.
Στα σχολεία της Ζίτσας, μαθήτευσαν σπουδαίοι άνδρες, όπως ο γιατρός Δημήτριος Νικολίδης, συνεργάτης και συμμάρτυρας του Ρήγα Φερραίου, οι διακριθέντες στην ηγεμονία της Βλαχίας, Χριστόδουλος Μπουτάτης, ανώτατος στρατιωτικός, Γεώργιος Κοντολώλης, αυλικός, Νικόλαος Μπουτάτης, γιατρός, Δημήτριος Ζιτσαίος, γιατρός, ο Μιχαήλ Τσέτσης (1825-1898) , καθηγητής φιλοσοφίας στην Αθήνα, ο Μιχαήλ Χρυσοχόος (1834-1921), χαρτογράφος, η Αμαλία Παπασταύρου (1842-1932), δασκάλα- συγγραφέας και αδελφή του προηγούμενου, ο Νικόλαος Εμμανουήλ (1860-1928), μηχανικός- δασολόγος, η Χρυσάνθη Ζιτσαία (1903-1995), διακεκριμένη ποιήτρια, ο χαράκτης Χρήστος Δαγκλής (1916-1991), ο Κώστας Μαλάμος, από τους μεγαλύτερους εν ζωή νεοέλληνες ζωγράφους, πολλοί γιατροί, φαρμακοποιοί, εκπαιδευτικοί, δημόσιοι υπάλληλοι και επιχειρηματίες. Επιπλέον, πολλοί από αυτούς διατήρησαν μέχρι τις μέρες μας την καλή συνήθεια της ευεργεσίας, που είχαν οι παλιότεροι και συνέχισαν να συνεισφέρουν στον τόπο τους μεγάλα ποσά, με προεξέχοντες τον επιχειρηματία κ . Αθανάσιο Βαδόκα ( Καλλιθέα και Δημαρχείο) την κ. Καλλιρρόη Ματσάγκα- Γύρα (μεγάλες δωρεές στο Γύρειο, οικοδόμηση παρεκκλησίου Αγίου Νικολάου , αίθουσας τελετών νεκροταφείου Αγίας Παρασκευής και βρύσης στην πλατεία ) και τους αείμνηστους γιατρούς Γεώργιο Γύρα (Γύρειο Ίδρυμα, κληροδότημα Ελένης & Γεωργίου Γύρα) και Ιωάννη Παπαπέτρου (ποικίλα έργα κοινής ωφέλειας), το έργο του τελευταίου συνεχίζει με επιτυχία η σύζυγός του κ. Κατίνα Παπαπέτρου.
Η ανάπτυξη της παιδείας συμβαδίζει με την εν γένει ανάπτυξη της κοινωνικής και οικονομικής κατάστασης μιας περιοχής. Στην περίπτωση της Ζίτσας η αναβάθμιση αυτή άρχισε σιγά – σιγά από τον 17ο κιόλας αιώνα, χάρις στις σχέσεις της μονής του Προφήτη Ηλία με τα μετόχια του στη Ρουμανία, που δέχονταν αρχικά καλογέρους και αργότερα νέους για σπουδές, βοηθώντας να αναδειχτούν κοινωνικά και οικονομικά συντοπίτες ξενιτεμένοι, ορισμένοι από τους οποίους κατάφεραν να πάρουν εξέχουσες κρατικές θέσεις κα να βοηθήσουν στη συνέχεια τον τόπο τους. Παράλληλα, η τοπική κοινωνία, αγροτική περισσότερο και λιγότερο κτηνοτροφική, όπου κορύφωση της παραγωγικής δραστηριότητας αποτελούσε και αποτελεί η αμπελοκαλλιέργεια, αποζούσε από την εμπορία των περίφημων κρασιών της, φημισμένων σε όλη την Ήπειρο, αλλά και ευρύτερα, χάρις στον περιηγητισμό. Επιπλέον η απουσία του τουρκικού στοιχείου με τη διατήρηση του καθεστώτος του ελευθεροχωρίου, που άφηνε κάποια περιθώρια ανάπτυξης, η προοδευτική εξέλιξη της κωμόπολης, στοιχείο ιδιαίτερα διακριτό στον τρόπο δόμησης και στο είδος των κατοικιών, καθώς και στον πλούτο των κοσμημάτων της γυναικείας φορεσιάς και η εκπαίδευση των κατοίκων της, συνέβαλαν στην άνοδο του βιοτικού επιπέδου, που ήταν αρκετά υψηλό σε σχέση με άλλες περιοχές, και στη διασφάλιση της ελληνικότητας , της θρησκείας , της γλώσσας και των ποικίλων ηθών και εθίμων.
the translation they is not good
THE [ZITSA] “[O] [Zitsa], from your [sydentro] and [foyntoto] hill, cute and holy it appears monastery. [Ekeithe] where if we throw also the look, above, cadi, [trigyro] our, which colours all sorts of! Which places with allurments [mageytika] [xanoigontai] front us! Rocks, rivers and mountains and forests, from all crowd, And a light blue sky gives harmony in all… The rural monastery shine the white walls in the trees in, that densely the hill [stefanonoyn], [foyntomeno] and high, where [plio] [gigantomenos] it would appear, if around his they were not stretched out [amfitheatrika] mountains, [psiloter]' from that.” This marvellously poetic picture [theomenoy] from the abbey of Prophet [Ilia] of landscape, result of hospitality big [filellina] and poet of Lord [Byrona] in the monastery, 13 - 14 October 1809, it contributed in the creation of current of sightseers that they wanted they know closely the region of [Zitsas], that so much it carried away the distinguished English visitor. Moreover, her astonishing locality had appreciated [Ali] of All [Ioanninon], who after it did not achieve it changes him in his [tsifliki], was reconciled with it builds there, in the place [Koylia], big palace ([serai]) that it was left to be crumbling afterwards his extermination from the [soyltanika] troops. In point of fact [Zitsa] is built [amfitheatrika] in the meridian side of hill “[Ailia]” and it is found north-westernly [Ioanninon], by that it abstains 25 kilometres. It has altitude 68th metres, with marvellous climate and view the immense horizon, that reaches as [thesprotika] beach. The geological elations of ground of her wider region, which they fix westwards the river [Kalamas], Easternly the basin of [Lapsistas], northern that of [Mazarakioy]- [Ligopsas], and southernly the stream of [Klimatias], shape a low mountainous area between the mountains [Mitsikeli] and [Kasidiari], that follows the more general direction of mountain range of Pindos. It borders on the villages [Karitsa], [Koytroylades] ([Sakellariko]), [Mpoyrntari] ([Dafnofyto]), [Protopappa], [Neochori], [Ligopsa], [Batades], [Mazaraki] and [Lithino]. The foundation of town is very old and it is reduced in the beginning of 15th century, without exists argued historical testimony. It is likely to preexist there from the season of Serbs [mikrosynoikismos], defensive character, in which they gave also familiar in them name [Zitsa]. Afterwards their retirement, in the region came metics from the adjacent small villages [Kaminia], [Pogdora] and [Zarabelia], that was found in the western side of mountain “[Koloboytselo]”, very near the one in the other and wanted a the most isolated part for n' avoids the raids and the pillages of Albanian hordes, they went down henceforth unhinderedly from the near street “[Derbeni]- [Kleisoyra]”, afterwards the murder in 1384 the Serb despot of [Ioanninon] Thomas [Prelioympobits], called and [Albanitoktonoy]. Much later, probably at the dues of [II]΄ of century, the residents or part of residents of village [Grammenioi], that was found northern [Sakellarikoy] ([Koytroylades]) and Easternly the Fathers [Lithinoy], adhered also these in the population of [Zitsas] and they contributed in his increase, after dissolution of their own settlement. The newcomers installed itself initially in the region of Big [Machala], with his current known limits and with centre the church of Saint Nikolaos, while small [Machalas] was built much later, because the increase of population. At the period of Ottoman domination [Zitsa] between the 34 villages, that were under the protection of [Basilomitoros] ([Balide] of Sultana), while in the 1788 it was dedicated with the villages Under and [Ano] [Lapsistas], Perama and [Mpisdoynopoyloy] in holy [kathidrymata] Mecca up to the release, paying the tax All tenth at the period of sovereignty of [Ali] constituted with the Islet of lake the alone departments of province [Koyrenton] that had not become [tsiflikia] his. Her administration was in the hands of local [Moychtarodimogeronton] (Chairman and Council) and Turkish had not stepped her earth. For the borders of town existed always conflict with the residents of neighbouring [orion], with result the continuous adversity and the creation of hot episodes, until at time period 1933-1940 they were guaranteed [dikastikos]. The residents of [Zitsas], that were distinguished for their developed religious sentiment, adorned their place with a lot of churches, [kathos] each district constituted separate parish and had her own church in order to it is functioned also her own vicar. [Enoriakes] churches in Big [Machala] was: 1. Saint Nikolaos 2. [Koimiseos] of Virgin Mary, that was catholic of feminine abbey of [Kalograion] with marvellous murals of 17th century and important pictures. 3. Saint Friday (near the Community tanks) and 4. Saint Ioannis And in Small [Machala]: 1. The brigadiers 2. Saint Dimitrios 3. The birth of Virgin Mary 4. Saint Nikolaos By this churches of big [Machala], that of Saint Nikolaos, in the type of [triklitis] royal with splint, gallery and in the old days [chagiati], was demolished in order to it is built from pedestals in the 1890 from the benefactor of community [Dim]. [Lionto], it maintains up to today [aythentikoteri] in portable picture portrait of Saint [Kosma] of [Aitoloy], as well as a lot of other heirlooms, that have been assembled today there by devastated or demolished churches and [xoklisia] the region. The churches of Saint Friday and Virgin Mary have been maintained, thanks to the subscription of himself residents, while devastating Saint Ioannis has [anakainisthei] from foundations. The same virtuous chance did not have also the churches of Small [Machala], from which it only maintains that of Brigadiers, that [istorithike] in 1648 with marvellous murals, maintained and this. Remainder, Saint Dimitrios, Virgin Mary and Saint Nikolaos were demolished, but the last one [xanachtistike] very recently. In step with this churches existed also many [xoklisia], most by which they are saved up to today: 1. Saint Friday 2. Saint [Georgioy] 3. The saint Trinity 4. Saint Athanassios in Big [Machala] 5. The saint Trinity in Small [Machala] They are not saved: 1. Saint Athanassios in the locality [Koylia] 2. Saint Athanassios in the place [Merotopi] The [xoklisia] these functioned only the day of their feast, during which became [panigyri] and public dance, with more brilliant that of Saint [Georgioy]. [Onomasti] however is [Zitsa] for the monastery of Prophet [Ilia], where so much [exocha] [ymnise] the Lord [Byron]. When precisely [chtistike] it is not acquaintance. The delivery reports that the abbey was founded at the Byzantine season in the hill, that is found [BD] of town and brings the name [Ailias] (720 m) and was transported, unknown when, in his current place, where they are saved the catholic, department [petroktiston] [kelion] and her grounds with the big, covered [ayloporta] and belfry. The catholic has form of [monochoroy] temple of small dimensions with additional later splint to the westerners. The mainly temple has been erected according to two [entoichismenes] signs in the 1656 and splint in the 1799, without is excluded the case [chtistike] in the place of older building. The murals are impressive and are extended in [epalliles] horizontal areas, are dated with the same internal sign in the 1657/8 and are owed in [agiografoys] Ioannis, Dimitrios and [Georgio] from [Grammosta]. (village of Florina). Same impressive is also [epichrysomeno] [xyloglypto] [templo], that brings [anthino] decor on light blue and [byssinochromo] depth. It rescues the line of Big [Deiseos] and [Dodekaortoy], the old [bimothyra] and despotic pictures of Saint Nikolaos, Virgin Mary, Christ of Archpriest and Prophet [Ilia], the last one of it is infrequent art and the biblical form of whole-body Saint they frame 16 scenes from his life on golden depth. The murals of splint are dated in the 1800 and are work of known painters Ioannis and Reader from [Kapesobo] [Zagorioy]. Remarkable are also the mural with the form of donor of abbot Grig3orios [Exarchoy] and the unique scenes from [synaxario] his [neomartyra] Ioannis from [Ioanninon] (+1526). The monastery was [enoriako] with big [ktimatiki] fortune not only in [Zitsa] and in [Giannena], but also in the abroad (Romania, Russia) with three appreciable [metochia], most important for the chance of abbey was that of Saint Ioannis in Bucharest, where you belong in her absolute property and were founded in the 1591 from Andrea [Logotheti] [Bestiari] and the brother his Dimitrios and were dedicated by same in the Prophet [Ilia]. The bad management of however her finances, the inaction and the negligence of her abbots, led him to terrible economic situation, the derotation of which it tried achieves the Metropolite [Oyggaroblachias] [Dositheos] [Filitis]. Thanks to his energies the monastery becomes under the Patriarch's juridiction with [sigillio] the patriarch [Prokopioy] (1785-89) in the 1787 and at the same time is connected with [Mpalanaia] Faculty or faculty [Gkioyma] of [Ioanninon]. Her big however offer lies in the sector of education from the first already centuries of Ottoman conquest, [kathos] it functioned also as faculty in which became apprentice at the delivery appreciable persons of spirit, as the [zitsaios] patriarch [Ieremias] [A]΄ (1522-1546), also the from [Zitsis] bishop [Delbinoy] [Manassis] (1682-1695), [Parthenios] [Katzioylis] (1650-1717) [ieromonachos] and schoolteacher, [ieromonachos] [Chrysanthos], director of High school of [Moschopolis] (1700). Mr a Round 1750 the roughly operation of faculty was interrupted for unknown reasons. Few years later, in the 1778, the presence of Saint [Kosma] of [Aitoloy] in [Zitsa] with his fervid preachings changed the situation and contributed in the creation of new centre of education, “[Daskaleioy]”, north-easternly the church of Saint Nikolaos in big [Machala]. In the 1813 bishop [Mpoyzaioy] [Konstantios] [Filitis] (1750-1835), wanting she gives bigger impulse in the education of place, founded there brilliant school, that [chtistike] near the church of Brigadiers and had Public school with four orders and Greek ([Scholarcheio]) with three and very big library. This school, where taught also the important schoolteacher of season [Georgios] Aesop, maintained him [Konstantios] with his own almost expenses up to 1825, that died his uncle, former [Oyggroblachias] [Dositheos] [Filitis], which to him bequeathed the sum of 30 [fl]. Per year, that in 1850 was increased in 120. In the 1858 because number of students was increased [chtistike] new school, [Allilodidaktiko] (the old Public school and [nyn] Intellectual Centre), that functioned as mixed up to 1872, when was founded [Parthenagogeio] or [Filition] from the benefactor Dimitrios [K]. [Filiti] in his house, where the girls, except the elementary education learned also textile. It functioned there until 1905, when also the building was devastated, afterwards in various houses up to 1923, that the Public school became mixed. This schools were maintained thanks to donations, that bequeathed and other benefactors of education, as [Silbestros] [Filitis] (1752-1834), brother of Konstantinos, the priest [Christodoylos] [Manoysis] (1822), Micheal [Tyrokomos] (1832), Dimitrios [Zitsaios] (182301897), that is considered and the bigger benefactor of town, Panagiotis [Zerbas] (1861), Anastasios [Goydinos] (1868), Anastasios [Filitis] (1884) (uncle of Dimitrios) Mr a. By the resources of bequests of Dimitrios and Anastasios [Filiti] and Anastasios [Goydinoy] were paid the wage of schoolteachers and were shared in the students [dorean] books and graphic matter. In the 1939 it began to be built with expense of this bequests the new building of Municipal School, which [apoperatothike] afterwards the war with expenses of state. The initial drawing forecasted and [systegastei] and the Urban Faculty ([imigymnasio]), as had been renamed the Greek school, [kathos] his building had been devastated and accomodated in the residence “[Sakka]” from 1935 until 1940. Finally the new school functioned and it functions as Public school and Kindergarten, while [imigymnasio] it finally began to function twenty roughly [chronia] afterwards and to be accomodated in various houses up to the construction of current building group, that accomodates him with the Lyceum. In the schools of [Zitsas], became apprentice important men, as the doctor Dimitrios [Nikolidis], collaborator and [symmartyras] his Riga [Ferraioy], distinguished in the hegemony of [Blachias], [Christodoylos] [Mpoytatis], maximum militaryman, [Georgios] [Kontololis], courtier, Nikolaos [Mpoytatis], doctor, Dimitrios [Zitsaios], doctor, Micheal [Tsetsis] (1825-1898), professor of philosophy in Athens, Micheal [Chrysochoos] (1834-1921), cartographer, Amalia [Papastayroy] (1842-1932), schoolteacher writer and brother of precedent, Nikolaos [Emmanoyil] (1860-1928), mechanic forester, [Chrysanthi] [Zitsaia] (1903-1995), distinguished [poiitria], [charaktis] Virtuous [Dagklis] (1916-1991), Kostas [Malamos], from the bigger [en] life [neoellines] painters, a lot of doctors, pharmacists, educational, civil servants and businessmen. Moreover, much of them they maintained up to our days the good habit of benefaction, that had oldest and continued contributing in their place big sums, with sticking out the businessman Mr Athanassios [Badoka] ([Kallithea] and Town hall) Mr [Kallirroi] [Matsagka]- [Gyra] (big donations in [Gyreio], construction of chapel of Saint Nikolaos, room of ceremonies of cemetery of Saint Friday and tap in the square) and the unforgettable doctors [Georgio] [Gyra] ([Gyreio] Institution, bequest Helen and [Georgioy] [Gyra]) and Ioannis [Papapetroy] (various work of common utility), the work of last one continues with success his spouse Mr [Katina] [Papapetroy]. The growth of education keeps pace with the in general growth the social and economic situation of region. In the case of [Zitsas] this upgrade began slowly - slowly from the 17th already century, thanks to the relations of abbey of Prophet his [Ilia] with [metochia] in Romania, that accepted initially monks and later young persons for study, helping is elected social and economically [syntopites] [xenitemenoi], certain from that accomplished takes distinguished government owned places Mrs helps afterwards their place. At the same time, the local society, rural more and more veterinary surgeon, where [koryfosi] of productive activity constituted and constitutes the vine-growing, [apozoyse] from the marketing of her eminent wines, been famous in the all Continent, but also more widely, thanks to [periigitismo]. Moreover the absence of Turkish element with the maintenance of arrangement [eleytherochorioy], that left certain margins of growth, the progressive development of town, element the particularly distinguishable in the way of layout and in the type of residences, as well as in wealth of jewels of feminine costume and the education of her residents, contributed in the rise standard of living, that was enough high in combination other regions, and in the guarantee [ellinikotitas], the religion, the language and the various morals and customs.
the translation they is not good
THE [ZITSA] “[O] [Zitsa], from your [sydentro] and [foyntoto] hill, cute and holy it appears monastery. [Ekeithe] where if we throw also the look, above, cadi, [trigyro] our, which colours all sorts of! Which places with allurments [mageytika] [xanoigontai] front us! Rocks, rivers and mountains and forests, from all crowd, And a light blue sky gives harmony in all… The rural monastery shine the white walls in the trees in, that densely the hill [stefanonoyn], [foyntomeno] and high, where [plio] [gigantomenos] it would appear, if around his they were not stretched out [amfitheatrika] mountains, [psiloter]' from that.” This marvellously poetic picture [theomenoy] from the abbey of Prophet [Ilia] of landscape, result of hospitality big [filellina] and poet of Lord [Byrona] in the monastery, 13 - 14 October 1809, it contributed in the creation of current of sightseers that they wanted they know closely the region of [Zitsas], that so much it carried away the distinguished English visitor. Moreover, her astonishing locality had appreciated [Ali] of All [Ioanninon], who after it did not achieve it changes him in his [tsifliki], was reconciled with it builds there, in the place [Koylia], big palace ([serai]) that it was left to be crumbling afterwards his extermination from the [soyltanika] troops. In point of fact [Zitsa] is built [amfitheatrika] in the meridian side of hill “[Ailia]” and it is found north-westernly [Ioanninon], by that it abstains 25 kilometres. It has altitude 68th metres, with marvellous climate and view the immense horizon, that reaches as [thesprotika] beach. The geological elations of ground of her wider region, which they fix westwards the river [Kalamas], Easternly the basin of [Lapsistas], northern that of [Mazarakioy]- [Ligopsas], and southernly the stream of [Klimatias], shape a low mountainous area between the mountains [Mitsikeli] and [Kasidiari], that follows the more general direction of mountain range of Pindos. It borders on the villages [Karitsa], [Koytroylades] ([Sakellariko]), [Mpoyrntari] ([Dafnofyto]), [Protopappa], [Neochori], [Ligopsa], [Batades], [Mazaraki] and [Lithino]. The foundation of town is very old and it is reduced in the beginning of 15th century, without exists argued historical testimony. It is likely to preexist there from the season of Serbs [mikrosynoikismos], defensive character, in which they gave also familiar in them name [Zitsa]. Afterwards their retirement, in the region came metics from the adjacent small villages [Kaminia], [Pogdora] and [Zarabelia], that was found in the western side of mountain “[Koloboytselo]”, very near the one in the other and wanted a the most isolated part for n' avoids the raids and the pillages of Albanian hordes, they went down henceforth unhinderedly from the near street “[Derbeni]- [Kleisoyra]”, afterwards the murder in 1384 the Serb despot of [Ioanninon] Thomas [Prelioympobits], called and [Albanitoktonoy]. Much later, probably at the dues of [II]΄ of century, the residents or part of residents of village [Grammenioi], that was found northern [Sakellarikoy] ([Koytroylades]) and Easternly the Fathers [Lithinoy], adhered also these in the population of [Zitsas] and they contributed in his increase, after dissolution of their own settlement. The newcomers installed itself initially in the region of Big [Machala], with his current known limits and with centre the church of Saint Nikolaos, while small [Machalas] was built much later, because the increase of population. At the period of Ottoman domination [Zitsa] between the 34 villages, that were under the protection of [Basilomitoros] ([Balide] of Sultana), while in the 1788 it was dedicated with the villages Under and [Ano] [Lapsistas], Perama and [Mpisdoynopoyloy] in holy [kathidrymata] Mecca up to the release, paying the tax All tenth at the period of sovereignty of [Ali] constituted with the Islet of lake the alone departments of province [Koyrenton] that had not become [tsiflikia] his. Her administration was in the hands of local [Moychtarodimogeronton] (Chairman and Council) and Turkish had not stepped her earth. For the borders of town existed always conflict with the residents of neighbouring [orion], with result the continuous adversity and the creation of hot episodes, until at time period 1933-1940 they were guaranteed [dikastikos]. The residents of [Zitsas], that were distinguished for their developed religious sentiment, adorned their place with a lot of churches, [kathos] each district constituted separate parish and had her own church in order to it is functioned also her own vicar. [Enoriakes] churches in Big [Machala] was: 1. Saint Nikolaos 2. [Koimiseos] of Virgin Mary, that was catholic of feminine abbey of [Kalograion] with marvellous murals of 17th century and important pictures. 3. Saint Friday (near the Community tanks) and 4. Saint Ioannis And in Small [Machala]: 1. The brigadiers 2. Saint Dimitrios 3. The birth of Virgin Mary 4. Saint Nikolaos By this churches of big [Machala], that of Saint Nikolaos, in the type of [triklitis] royal with splint, gallery and in the old days [chagiati], was demolished in order to it is built from pedestals in the 1890 from the benefactor of community [Dim]. [Lionto], it maintains up to today [aythentikoteri] in portable picture portrait of Saint [Kosma] of [Aitoloy], as well as a lot of other heirlooms, that have been assembled today there by devastated or demolished churches and [xoklisia] the region. The churches of Saint Friday and Virgin Mary have been maintained, thanks to the subscription of himself residents, while devastating Saint Ioannis has [anakainisthei] from foundations. The same virtuous chance did not have also the churches of Small [Machala], from which it only maintains that of Brigadiers, that [istorithike] in 1648 with marvellous murals, maintained and this. Remainder, Saint Dimitrios, Virgin Mary and Saint Nikolaos were demolished, but the last one [xanachtistike] very recently. In step with this churches existed also many [xoklisia], most by which they are saved up to today: 1. Saint Friday 2. Saint [Georgioy] 3. The saint Trinity 4. Saint Athanassios in Big [Machala] 5. The saint Trinity in Small [Machala] They are not saved: 1. Saint Athanassios in the locality [Koylia] 2. Saint Athanassios in the place [Merotopi] The [xoklisia] these functioned only the day of their feast, during which became [panigyri] and public dance, with more brilliant that of Saint [Georgioy]. [Onomasti] however is [Zitsa] for the monastery of Prophet [Ilia], where so much [exocha] [ymnise] the Lord [Byron]. When precisely [chtistike] it is not acquaintance. The delivery reports that the abbey was founded at the Byzantine season in the hill, that is found [BD] of town and brings the name [Ailias] (720 m) and was transported, unknown when, in his current place, where they are saved the catholic, department [petroktiston] [kelion] and her grounds with the big, covered [ayloporta] and belfry. The catholic has form of [monochoroy] temple of small dimensions with additional later splint to the westerners. The mainly temple has been erected according to two [entoichismenes] signs in the 1656 and splint in the 1799, without is excluded the case [chtistike] in the place of older building. The murals are impressive and are extended in [epalliles] horizontal areas, are dated with the same internal sign in the 1657/8 and are owed in [agiografoys] Ioannis, Dimitrios and [Georgio] from [Grammosta]. (village of Florina). Same impressive is also [epichrysomeno] [xyloglypto] [templo], that brings [anthino] decor on light blue and [byssinochromo] depth. It rescues the line of Big [Deiseos] and [Dodekaortoy], the old [bimothyra] and despotic pictures of Saint Nikolaos, Virgin Mary, Christ of Archpriest and Prophet [Ilia], the last one of it is infrequent art and the biblical form of whole-body Saint they frame 16 scenes from his life on golden depth. The murals of splint are dated in the 1800 and are work of known painters Ioannis and Reader from [Kapesobo] [Zagorioy]. Remarkable are also the mural with the form of donor of abbot Grig3orios [Exarchoy] and the unique scenes from [synaxario] his [neomartyra] Ioannis from [Ioanninon] (+1526). The monastery was [enoriako] with big [ktimatiki] fortune not only in [Zitsa] and in [Giannena], but also in the abroad (Romania, Russia) with three appreciable [metochia], most important for the chance of abbey was that of Saint Ioannis in Bucharest, where you belong in her absolute property and were founded in the 1591 from Andrea [Logotheti] [Bestiari] and the brother his Dimitrios and were dedicated by same in the Prophet [Ilia]. The bad management of however her finances, the inaction and the negligence of her abbots, led him to terrible economic situation, the derotation of which it tried achieves the Metropolite [Oyggaroblachias] [Dositheos] [Filitis]. Thanks to his energies the monastery becomes under the Patriarch's juridiction with [sigillio] the patriarch [Prokopioy] (1785-89) in the 1787 and at the same time is connected with [Mpalanaia] Faculty or faculty [Gkioyma] of [Ioanninon]. Her big however offer lies in the sector of education from the first already centuries of Ottoman conquest, [kathos] it functioned also as faculty in which became apprentice at the delivery appreciable persons of spirit, as the [zitsaios] patriarch [Ieremias] [A]΄ (1522-1546), also the from [Zitsis] bishop [Delbinoy] [Manassis] (1682-1695), [Parthenios] [Katzioylis] (1650-1717) [ieromonachos] and schoolteacher, [ieromonachos] [Chrysanthos], director of High school of [Moschopolis] (1700). Mr a Round 1750 the roughly operation of faculty was interrupted for unknown reasons. Few years later, in the 1778, the presence of Saint [Kosma] of [Aitoloy] in [Zitsa] with his fervid preachings changed the situation and contributed in the creation of new centre of education, “[Daskaleioy]”, north-easternly the church of Saint Nikolaos in big [Machala]. In the 1813 bishop [Mpoyzaioy] [Konstantios] [Filitis] (1750-1835), wanting she gives bigger impulse in the education of place, founded there brilliant school, that [chtistike] near the church of Brigadiers and had Public school with four orders and Greek ([Scholarcheio]) with three and very big library. This school, where taught also the important schoolteacher of season [Georgios] Aesop, maintained him [Konstantios] with his own almost expenses up to 1825, that died his uncle, former [Oyggroblachias] [Dositheos] [Filitis], which to him bequeathed the sum of 30 [fl]. Per year, that in 1850 was increased in 120. In the 1858 because number of students was increased [chtistike] new school, [Allilodidaktiko] (the old Public school and [nyn] Intellectual Centre), that functioned as mixed up to 1872, when was founded [Parthenagogeio] or [Filition] from the benefactor Dimitrios [K]. [Filiti] in his house, where the girls, except the elementary education learned also textile. It functioned there until 1905, when also the building was devastated, afterwards in various houses up to 1923, that the Public school became mixed. This schools were maintained thanks to donations, that bequeathed and other benefactors of education, as [Silbestros] [Filitis] (1752-1834), brother of Konstantinos, the priest [Christodoylos] [Manoysis] (1822), Micheal [Tyrokomos] (1832), Dimitrios [Zitsaios] (182301897), that is considered and the bigger benefactor of town, Panagiotis [Zerbas] (1861), Anastasios [Goydinos] (1868), Anastasios [Filitis] (1884) (uncle of Dimitrios) Mr a. By the resources of bequests of Dimitrios and Anastasios [Filiti] and Anastasios [Goydinoy] were paid the wage of schoolteachers and were shared in the students [dorean] books and graphic matter. In the 1939 it began to be built with expense of this bequests the new building of Municipal School, which [apoperatothike] afterwards the war with expenses of state. The initial drawing forecasted and [systegastei] and the Urban Faculty ([imigymnasio]), as had been renamed the Greek school, [kathos] his building had been devastated and accomodated in the residence “[Sakka]” from 1935 until 1940. Finally the new school functioned and it functions as Public school and Kindergarten, while [imigymnasio] it finally began to function twenty roughly [chronia] afterwards and to be accomodated in various houses up to the construction of current building group, that accomodates him with the Lyceum. In the schools of [Zitsas], became apprentice important men, as the doctor Dimitrios [Nikolidis], collaborator and [symmartyras] his Riga [Ferraioy], distinguished in the hegemony of [Blachias], [Christodoylos] [Mpoytatis], maximum militaryman, [Georgios] [Kontololis], courtier, Nikolaos [Mpoytatis], doctor, Dimitrios [Zitsaios], doctor, Micheal [Tsetsis] (1825-1898), professor of philosophy in Athens, Micheal [Chrysochoos] (1834-1921), cartographer, Amalia [Papastayroy] (1842-1932), schoolteacher writer and brother of precedent, Nikolaos [Emmanoyil] (1860-1928), mechanic forester, [Chrysanthi] [Zitsaia] (1903-1995), distinguished [poiitria], [charaktis] Virtuous [Dagklis] (1916-1991), Kostas [Malamos], from the bigger [en] life [neoellines] painters, a lot of doctors, pharmacists, educational, civil servants and businessmen. Moreover, much of them they maintained up to our days the good habit of benefaction, that had oldest and continued contributing in their place big sums, with sticking out the businessman Mr Athanassios [Badoka] ([Kallithea] and Town hall) Mr [Kallirroi] [Matsagka]- [Gyra] (big donations in [Gyreio], construction of chapel of Saint Nikolaos, room of ceremonies of cemetery of Saint Friday and tap in the square) and the unforgettable doctors [Georgio] [Gyra] ([Gyreio] Institution, bequest Helen and [Georgioy] [Gyra]) and Ioannis [Papapetroy] (various work of common utility), the work of last one continues with success his spouse Mr [Katina] [Papapetroy]. The growth of education keeps pace with the in general growth the social and economic situation of region. In the case of [Zitsas] this upgrade began slowly - slowly from the 17th already century, thanks to the relations of abbey of Prophet his [Ilia] with [metochia] in Romania, that accepted initially monks and later young persons for study, helping is elected social and economically [syntopites] [xenitemenoi], certain from that accomplished takes distinguished government owned places Mrs helps afterwards their place. At the same time, the local society, rural more and more veterinary surgeon, where [koryfosi] of productive activity constituted and constitutes the vine-growing, [apozoyse] from the marketing of her eminent wines, been famous in the all Continent, but also more widely, thanks to [periigitismo]. Moreover the absence of Turkish element with the maintenance of arrangement [eleytherochorioy], that left certain margins of growth, the progressive development of town, element the particularly distinguishable in the way of layout and in the type of residences, as well as in wealth of jewels of feminine costume and the education of her residents, contributed in the rise standard of living, that was enough high in combination other regions, and in the guarantee [ellinikotitas], the religion, the language and the various morals and customs.